How Athletes Should Handle the Coronavirus Pandemic
In light of the Coronavirus pandemic‘s effect on the world, including the NBA suspending the rest of the season and the NCAA cancelling March Madness, here is how athletes should handle the pandemic.
1. Remain Calm
It’s easy to panic when viruses like the COVID-19 break out but hysteria won’t solve the problem or do you any good. Rather, you should make sure you obtain accurate information from the reliable sources such as the Center for Disease Control or the Word Health Organization and practice good hygiene (I.e. wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your face).
2. Remain Active
Exercise improves your overall fitness and can help strengthen your immune system—the body's defense against infections. Furthermore, physical activity can help flush out bacteria from your lungs and nasal cavities, reducing your chance of getting a cold or the flu.
Which is why it’s critical that you stick to your workout regime (or at least close to it). With concerns rising from sharing equipment and locker rooms, not going to the gym is valid but you should find a modified routine to do at home so you remain in shape and remain healthy. If you are going to the gym, be sure to wipe down equipment and handles before and after use; drink from your own personal water bottle (not a shared water fountain); and limit your time at the gym visited by many.
3. Rest
Physical activity can certainly boost your immune system but so does proper rest and sleep. If you are sleep-deprived, your immune system will have a more difficult time fighting a virus than a well-rested one. Plus, proper sleep is essential to athlete performance.
You should aim to get between seven to nine hours of sleep each night.
4. Feed your Mind & Body
Hippocrates once said, “Let food be thy medicine.”
Nutrition certainly impacts our body’s immune systems, which is why it’s essential to get the proper nutrients to prevent yourself from getting sick and supporting your immunity. Furthermore, it can help you recover quickly, should you get sick. Fruits and vegetables packed with antioxidants and whole grains are best. Furthermore, avoid excessive alcohol consumption and remain well-hydrated.
Many athletes consider adding supplements to boost their immune system and while vitamins such as D and C produce antimicrobial proteins that kill viruses and bacteria, we encourage you to get your vitamins directly from your food since supplements can include prohibited substances (and excess, synthetic ingredients that may produce an adverse reaction within your body).
5. Take Extra Precautions
Don’t share food or drinks with others;
Don’t shake hands with others (greet them with a wave or an elbow bump (if appropriate));
Use your own writing materials (pens, markers, highlighters);
Avoid places with large crowds.
Healthy and best wishes from The Zone family.
What would you say is the most exciting and hardest part about supporting an entire college athletic program?
The most exciting part is working with student-athletes and witnessing their success both in and out of their sport. Watching them experience breakthroughs and overcome adversities is incredibly rewarding. One of the hardest parts is being a Black provider at a predominantly white institution (PWI).
What would you advise other peers in your position that are solo providers in athletics?
Identify, set, and maintain your boundaries. Athletics can be very demanding, and it's easy to want to be more involved than is sustainable.
How are you planning to involve technology in your practice as it evolves?
Given how much time younger generations spend on their phones, integrating technology is essential. Apps can supplement interventions discussed in individual or team sessions, allowing student-athletes to practice independently. For instance, guided mindfulness exercises can be very beneficial.
What do you hope the technology companies upgrade to help you?
While there are many potential avenues for technology companies to explore as college athletics evolves, I can't pinpoint one specific upgrade at this time.
How do you prioritize your well-being?
I prioritize my well-being by taking time off, traveling to re-energize my soul, and being in tune with my needs. Listening to my body, taking daily lunch breaks, reading fiction novels, and attending yoga sessions are essential practices for me.
As you know, your role as a mental health provider does not have a ton of people. What would you say to people considering getting into the profession?
Be mindful of how college athletics is evolving. Advocate for yourself and find a department that aligns with your values and work culture preferences. Set boundaries and keep your needs at the forefront.
What is something about this role that has surprised you?
The level of severity of the mental health needs has been surprising.